CaptiveOrca Wiki

Photo by Vicente Rico.

Takara is a 32 year old Icelandic female killer whale that lives at SeaWorld San Antonio. She was born on the 9th of July, 1991 to Kasatka and Kotar at SeaWorld San Diego. Takara is one of most successful female breeding killer whales in captivity and is the matriarch of the SeaWorld San Antonio pod.


If you are going to use any of these photos, please credit the photographer and/or the provider. PLEASE REFER BACK TO THIS WIKI. NOT ALL PHOTOS CAN BE USED!!

Many photos can be found from Inherently Wild.

Takara and trua

Takara and newborn Trua

Takara 38984


Takara and young Trua

Photos by SeaWorld.


Photo by the San Antonio Express.

Kasatka takara

Kasatka(left) and Takara


Photos by Troy Gagliano.