CaptiveOrca Wiki
CaptiveOrca Wiki
Dawn and katina

Highlight: Dawn Brancheau, missed for 10 years.

This page has a table with captive killer whale news from the year 2020.

Disclaimer: The page is archived, meaning updates are fixing broken links, names, small mistakes, etc. Formatting is different than current news pages, and information may or may not be accurate.

Dates are sorted from beginning/recent towards the end of the year.

6th of January Today marks the 3rd anniversary of Tilikum's passing.
7th of January Happy 10th birthday, Sakari!!
11th of January Happy 22nd birthday, Lovey!!
13th of January In December of last year, Shouka was spotted with dark spots near her jaw.

Check out the image here:

26th of January Loro Parque has said that there may possibly be another pool for there killer whales. The pool is meant for other features such as underwater viewing. This has come up many times before but nothings happended. If they do build the tank though, construction will not start until 2021.

Check out the article here:

27th of January Chimelong Ocean Kingdom's Orca Facility will scheduled to open on May 1st.
28th of January Today marks the 1st anniversary of Kayla's death.
2nd of February Happy 27th birthday, Keet!!
8th of February Happy 19th birthday, Lara!!
9th of February Happy 16th birthday, Skyla!!
14th of February Happy 7th birthday, Makani!!
22nd of February Today, SeaWorld San Antonio has started Orca Encounter, leaving One Ocean a thing of the past. ALTHOUGH, the opening song to the Orlando and San Antonio encounter starts with one song, the same song from One Ocean, yet it has a different singer.
23rd of February Happy 21st birthday, Inouk!!
24th of February Today marks 10 years of which Dawn Brancheau, a senior orca trainer, was killed by Tilikum in a Dine With Shamu Show. May you Rest In Peace, Dawn.
25th of February Happy 27th birthday, Shouka!! Happy 14th birthday, Ran II!!
9th of March I have recently received news that Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium has temporarily closed due to the Coronavirus(COVID-19).
12th of March Happy 13th birthday, Malia!!
16th of March Happy 9th birthday, Moana!!
24th of March Because of COVID-19, many facilities around the world are now temporarily closed. Here is the status of aquariums with known killer whales:

*Marineland Canada is closed for their off season, but do to the virus spreading, their opening date in May of 2020 will more likely not happen. It is not clear if they will open in May 2020, or if they remain closed.

27th of April Update On Aquariums(status change only)
3rd of May Happy 18th birthday, Kohana!!
5th of May UPDATE on Aquariums!!!

Chimelong has NOT opened as planned on May 1st due to, of course, COVID-19.

It is not clear when they will open up, similar to Marineland in Canada. The park may or may not be open(probably open), although, we know they haven't opened the orca exhibit.

17th of May Surprising news has been discovered at Shanghai. Their female orca, Dora, is supposedly pregnant with her first calf. The estimated 8 year old is the largest female at the park, yet having a calf at around 8 is a lot younger than most orcas. The father of the calf has been said to be Wow, unfortunately, nothing has been confirmed by the park. Click Here for the picture.

5/24 Update: There is a possibility the calf could be sired through Goren, the other male at the park. If not, the calf would be a part of Artificial Insemination (A.I.) from a unknown park/orca.

26th of May Apparently, there was a mix up between the 2 female orcas at Shanghai. Dora, who was believed to be the smallest female, is actually the largest. The same goes with the other unnamed female(the code hasn't been confirmed). This is confirmed, as Ningyo La Mar d'Aprop from Facebook confirmed this first hand from the trainers at the park.
1st of June Happy 18th brthday, Wikie!!

The other younger Shanghai female has been nicknamed Annei. Posted on many wiki sites such as Fandom and Wikipedia, this rumor could have been spread to a guest or named by a well known community.

11th of June SeaWorld Orlando has reopened again.

Later that day, Katina was spotted with a weird injury on her right eye patch. So far it's not known what caused this/what happened. In 2018, she was spotted with a large cut on her dorsal. SeaWorld has said it's permanent, could this be the same for the new injury? Rumors have gone out that Trua caused the injury, but due to how perfectly round it is, its unknown/unclear.

Link: Click Here

Credit To Malia_Madison for the photo.

13th of June Kamogawa Seaworld, located in Japan, reopened on June 1st. This is only to local residents, though.

On the other hand, Marineland Antibes, located in France, has scheduled to have a opening date on June 19th, 2020, or June 18th for some of the ambassadors and annual passers. Link: Click Here

17th of June Happy 25th birthday, Keto!!
6th of June Yet again is there more name suggestions/suspicions for the two other unnamed(confirmed name wise) orcas at the park. Guests at Shanghai are spreading rumors that the young male at the park is named Goren, and the young female there is named Kysails. Although, she has also been nicknamed "Annei", but its unknown where this name came from. These are all rumors, nothing has been confirmed by Shanghai.
22nd of June Happy 21st birthday, Tuar!!
23rd of June Happy 13th (est) birthday, Morgan!!
1st of July The following orcas were captured in the month of July, meaning there est. birthday is in this month:
  • Wow - Age: 12**
  • Naja - age: 10
  • No Name - Age: 9-17
  • No Name - Age: 9-17
  • No Name - Age: 9-17
  • No Name - Age: 9-17
  • Malvina? - Age: 8*
  • Dora - Age: 9-10
  • Kysails (Annei) - Age: 7-8
  • Goren - Age: 7-8
  • No Name - Age: 5+

*It's unknown if she's alive, if she was, she'd be around 8.

9th of July Happy 29th birthday, Takara!
19th of July Happy 8th birthday, Luna II!
8th of July The 2 August Russian captures are pressured to be 4+, it is also rumored they live in Wuxi, although there isn't much info on this.
8th of August Lolita has officially spent 50 years in captivity. Currently, Miami Seaquarium is closed due to COVID-19, after a short re-opening. Florida's cases are rising dramatically, which is the main reason of this closure. Although, SeaWorld Orlando, also in Florida, USA, is still open.
11th of August Today marks the 8th anniversary for Narnia, the est. 14 year old teen at Moskvarium. Narnia is the first Russian whale to survive being captured. She is also believed to be the oldest Russian whale in captivity.
13th of August 3 orcas were captured today in 2013. The orcas follow as: Orpheus, the oldest Russian orca turns est.15, Nord is now est. 12 and Grace turns est. 10.
25th of August Happy 18th birthday, Ikaika!!
1st of September Nakai, the first orca to be successfully born through Artificial Insemination(A. I.), turns 19 today!
18th of September Happy 14th birthday, Nalani!!
19th of September This day is the 28th capture anniversary for Kshamenk, who is a estimated 32 years of age.
22nd of September Ula, the youngest captive orca, turns 2 today!

Another picture of Dora, the presumed to be pregnant female living in Shanghai, has been released. At this point, all that is needed is the park to confirm that she's pregnant. Link: Click Here.

Chimelong is expected to open up in 2021 at the earliest. The park was originally supposed to open the 1st of May, 2020. Due to COVID-19, this date was postponed. Link: Click Here.

Today marks CaptiveOrca Wikia's first anniversary!!

29th of September

Breaking News!

"Delphinariums, élevages de visons, cirques : le gouvernement met fin à la détention d'animaux sauvages", or in the English translation, "Dolphinariums, mink farms, circuses: the government ends the keeping of wild animals"

France's government has passed a new law today in of which bans all animal captivity in the country. Wikie, Inouk, Moana, and Keijo will be the last generation of killer whales, currently living at Marineland Antibes. The confrence also states that by 2022, all cetaceans will have been moved to a different facility. They government is planning the retirement of their cetaceans in a sea-side sanctuary, although there is always the option of moving them to one of the closest marine parks. In that case, the four orcas would more likely be shipped off to Loro Parque or Moskvarium, to live with their kind.

"Les orques et les dauphins "ont conscience de leur captivité", se désole Mme Pompili. "Leur place n'est pas dans un delphinarium", poursuit-elle. Le gouvernement n'autorisera plus l'ouverture de nouvelles structures "et pour les trois qui existent dans notre pays, nous cessons l'introduction de nouveaux animaux et la reproduction en captivité". Les animaux actuellement hébergés dans ces structures pourraient être déplacés dans un sanctuaire."

(English) "Orcas and dolphins ' are aware of their captivity, ' laments Ms. Pompili. ' Their place is not in a dolphinarium, ' she continues. The government will no longer allow the opening of new structures ' and for the three that exist in our country, we cease the introduction of new animals and reproduction in captivity '. Animals currently housed in these structures could be moved to a sanctuary."

Announcement(French, Twitter):


2nd of October 2 Icelandic orcas and 3 Russian Transient orcas have unknown capture dates in the month of October. They would turn a year older as followed:
  • Kiska, age 44(est.)
  • Stella, age 34(est.)
  • Unknown Female(code unknown, see Birthdays), age 9-17
  • Unknown Orca(code unknown, see Birthdays), age 9-17
  • Unknown Orca(code unknown, see Birthdays), age 9-17
4th of October Today marks the 10th anniversary of Kalina's, or more commonly known as Baby Shamu's, death. She died after she was blood poisoned, believed to be a result or Kayla and Kalina fighting. In June of 2010, the two fought until each other was beaten up. This left Kalina with multiple open wounds, and is more likely how bacterial and other diseases were able to get into the poor whale. A little less than 4 months later, Kalina passed away. She will be forever remembered by that one moment, when a killer whale was born, surprising and sparking the nations.

Rest in peace, Kalina.

9th of October Happy 10th birthday, Makaio!!
13th of October Happy 12th birthday, Earth!!

Happy 10th birthday, Adan!!

8th of November Happy 20th birthday, Tekoa!!
13th of November Happy 8th birthday, Lynn!!
20th of November Happy 7th birthday, Keijo!!

23rd of November

Happy 15th birthday, Trua!!
2nd of December Happy 6th birthday, Amaya!!
6th of December Only eight minutes after midnight, a young calf named Kamea was born at SeaWorld San Antonio! And now, seven years later, it's Kamea's 7th birthday!!
11th of December Today marks Corky II's 51st capture anniversary. She is estimated to be around 54 years old.
21st of December Happy 16th birthday, Kalia!!
24th of December Happy 29th birthday, Kyuquot!!