CaptiveOrca Wiki

Sakari, Takara, and Newborn Kyara (left to right). Photo by SeaWorld

Kyara was a 3 month old killer whale that lived at SeaWorld San Antonio. She was the last killer whale to be born at any SeaWorld park.

The Last Birth

In March of 2016, SeaWorld announced that their breeding program would permanently to the killer whales at all of SeaWorld's parks.[1][2][3] This included changing to more education shows, however Takara was pregnant with her final calf at the time.[4][5] The gestation period was an estimated 18 months.[6]

Until Next Time

On the 24th of July, just three months after her birth, Kyara passed away.[7] SeaWorld then reported that it was an infection, presumably pneumonia.[8][9] With "very serious and progressive health issues”, her condition continued to go down.[10] A necropsy was planned, however no results were released.[11]


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Many photos can be found from Inherently Wild.

Kamea takara5

Takara and newborn Kyara

Photo provided by HaH and Jason Lee Scott.
