CaptiveOrca Wiki
Kyuquot birthday

Kyuquot on his 26th birthday. Photo by SeaWorld.

Current list of living captive killer whale birthdays.

This list only includes living killer whales, for a list of all captive orca birthdays, go here.

Captive Born

The following orcas were born under human care, meaning their birthdays and ages are exact. Other information aligning with birth and current stats are also featured. The age listed is years unless otherwise stated.

Name Age Date of Birth Time of Birth Type of Birth Origin Current Location
Sakari 15 7th of January, 2010 7:15pm (CT) Tail First SeaWorld San Antonio SeaWorld San Antonio
Lovey 27 11th January, 1998 Day? Tail First Kamogawa Sea World Kamogawa Sea World
Katniss 3 27th of January, 2022 - - Hengqin Island Chimelong Spaceship
Keet 32 2nd of February, 1993 Day Tail First SeaWorld San Antonio SeaWorld San Diego
Lara 24 8th February, 2001 Day Tail First Kamogawa Sea World Kamogawa Sea World
Makani 11 14th February, 2013 6:33am (PT) Tail First SeaWorld San Diego SeaWorld San Diego
Shouka 31 25th February, 1993 Night Tail First Marineland Antibes SeaWorld San Diego
Ran II 18 25th February, 2006 Day Head First Kamogawa Sea World Kobe Suma Sea World
Malia 17 12th of March, 2007 Tail First SeaWorld Orlando SeaWorld Orlando
Yīlóng 5 5th of April, 2019 Day Tail First Hengqin Island Chimelong Spaceship
Loki 3 17th of April, 2021 - - Hengqin Island Chimelong Spaceship
Wikie 23 1st of June, 2001 Tail First Marineland Antibes Marineland Antibes
Keto 29 17th of June, 1995 Tail First SeaWorld Orlando Loro Parque
Tuar 25 22nd of June, 1999 7:53pm EDT Tail First SeaWorld Orlando SeaWorld San Antonio
Takara 33 9th of July, 1991 Day Tail First SeaWorld San Diego SeaWorld San Antonio
Luna II 12 19th of July, 2012 Tail First Kamogawa Sea World Kamogawa Sea World
Ikaika 22 25th of August, 2002 Tail First SeaWorld Orlando SeaWorld San Diego
Cody 3 10th of September, 2021 1:16 am CST (China) Tail First Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park
Nalani 18 18th of September, 2006 3:23 pm EST Tail First SeaWorld Orlando SeaWorld Orlando
Orkid 36 23rd of September, 1988 5:25 pm PST Tail First SeaWorld San Diego SeaWorld San Diego
Makaio 14 9th of October, 2010 Tail First SeaWorld Orlando SeaWorld Orlando
Earth 16 13th of October, 2008 Tail First Kamogawa Sea World Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium
Adán 14 13th of October, 2010 Tail First Loro Parque Loro Parque
Tekoa 24 8th of November, 2000 Tail First SeaWorld Orlando Loro Parque
Lynn 12 13th of November, 2012 Day Head First Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium
Keijo 11 20th of November, 2013 Tail FIrst Marineland Antibes Marineland Antibes
Trua 19 23rd of November, 2005 Tail First SeaWorld Orlando SeaWorld Orlando
Zimo 1 December, 2023 Tail First Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park
Wǔlóng 1 1st of December, 2023 Tail First Chimelong Spaceship Chimelong Spaceship
Kamea 11 6th of December, 2013 12:08 am CT/CST Tail First SeaWorld San Antonio SeaWorld San Antonio
Kalia 20 21st of December, 2004 Tail First SeaWorld San Diego SeaWorld San Diego
Kyuquot 33 24th of December, 1991 Tail First Sealand of the Pacific SeaWorld San Antonio


The orcas below have been captured, meaning information related to age and birth can only be estimated. These dates found were via documents from facilites, studies, or presentations. Some may or may not be correct.

Sorted by capture month/day OR celebrated birthday. In some cases, celebrated birthdays are specifically chosen by a facility or widely spread among the public, and it is the day that is considered the individuals birthday. Italics represent a celebrated birthday.

Name Age Year of Birth Celebrated/Estimated Birthday Age Confirmed Origin Current Location
Ulises 47 1978 1st of January Yes Icelandic Waters SeaWorld San Diego
Corky II 61 1964 2nd of January Yes Pacific Ocean SeaWorld San Diego
Stella 38 1987 January* Yes Icelandic Waters Kobe Suma Sea World
Katina 48 1976 1st of June Yes Icelandic Waters SeaWorld Orlando
Pànghǔ 20 2004 <15th of July No Russian Waters Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park
Naya 14 2010 July Yes Russian Waters Moskvarium
Litla 12/18 2006/2012 July No Russian Waters Chimelong Spaceship
Meng Meng 12/18 2006/2012 July No Russian Waters Chimelong Spaceship
Cookie 12 2012 July No Russian Waters Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park
Orpheus 19 2005 13th of August No Russian Waters Chimelong Spaceship
Grace 14 2010 13th of August No Russian Waters Chimelong Spaceship
Shawn II 12 2012 Summer* No Russian Waters Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park
Nukka 13-21 2003-2011 Summer No Russian Waters Chimelong Spaceship
Cuī 13-21 2003-2011 Summer No Russian Waters Chimelong Spaceship
Er 13-21 2003-2011 Summer No Russian Waters Chimelong Spaceship
Dora 13-14 2010-2011 Late? Summer No Russian Waters Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park
Daphne 13-21 2003-2011 October No Russian Waters Chimelong Spaceship
Tyson 13-21 2003-2011 October No Russian Waters Chimelong Spaceship
WCKWOWR-OO-C1601 11+ 2013 or Before No Russian Waters Wuxi Changqiao Ocean Kingdom
WCKWOWR-OO-C1602 11+ 2013 or Before No Russian Waters Wuxi Changqiao Ocean Kingdom
Samara Unknown 2016? or Before No Russian Waters SunAsia Beluga Whale World
Kyra Unknown 2016? or Before No Russian Waters SunAsia Beluga Whale World


  • Stella was less than a year old at her capture in October of 1987. Because of this, her estimated birthday has been placed at the beginning of the year.
  • Summer(with an asterisk) indicates that the date is believed to be July but cannot be confirmed.


The orcas below have been rescued, meaning information related to age and birth can only be estimated. These dates found were via documents from facilites, studies, or presentations. Some may or may not be correct.

Sorted by capture month/day OR celebrated birthday. In some cases, celebrated birthdays are specifically chosen by a facility or widely spread among the public, and it is the day that is considered the individuals birthday. Italics represent a celebrated birthday.

Name Age Year of Birth Celebrated/Estimated Birthday Age Confirmed? Origin Current Location
Kshamenk 36 1988 19th of November Yes Argentinean Waters Mundo Marino
Morgan 17 2007 23rd of June N/A Netherlands Loro Parque


The orcas below have an unknown status, meaning it is unknown if they are alive or not. Information related to age and birth can only be estimated, though it is unlikely that new information will be available. These dates found were via documents from facilites, studies, or presentations. Most may or may not be correct.

Sorted by capture month/day OR celebrated birthday. In some cases, celebrated birthdays are specifically chosen by a facility or widely spread among the public, and it is the day that is considered the individuals birthday. Italics represent a celebrated birthday.

Name Age if Alive Year of Birth Estimated Birthday Age Confirmed? Origin Last Known/Presumed Current Location
Malvina 12 2012 July? No Russian Waters TINRO (Does not live there anymore)
UKN-OO-C1504 9+ 2015 or Before July? No Russian Waters ..?
UKN-OO-C1306 13-21 2003-2012 October No Russian Waters Russia


  • Malvina - Believed to have died(or escaped*) in 2016.
  • UKN-OO-C1306 - Unknown, went missing in 2013. Only reported to have been captured. Could be alive.
  • UKN-OO-C1504 - Unknown, only listed on probable source(so existence isn't confirmed).

*TINRO has said all their missing whales have escaped, including Kirill. However, Kirill was seen near death the day before he went missing. It's very likely that the whales who "escaped" have died.