Photo by SeaWorld.
Location of Capture
Pender Harbor, British Columbia
Estimated Date of Birth
Location of Birth
Pacific Ocean
A7 * (Deceased 1977, Wild)
Corky III * (Deceased 1977)
Spooky * (Deceased 1978)
MLP-00-U8001 * (Born Deceased 1980)
Kiva * (Deceased 1982)
MLP-00-B8501 * (Deceased 1985)
MLP-00-U8601 * (Miscarried 1986)
SWC-00-U8701 * (Miscarried 1987)
Other Half Sibings
A21 * (Deceased 1973/74, Wild)
A29 * (Deceased 1977, Wild)
Other Niece/Nephew
A63 * (Deceased 1994, Wild)
Origin of Name
Unknown, comes from Orky?
Corky II was named after the original whale who died around a year after arriving. Her name origin before that is cannot be determined.
- 19.8 ft (2010)
- 20 ft (February, 2012)
- 19.7 ft (March, 2016)
- 8,200 lbs (2009)
- 8,100 lbs (2010)
- 8,000 lbs (February, 2012)
- 8,335 lbs (2015)
- 8,300 lbs (2016)
- 8,400 lbs (March, 2020)
Transfer #1
11th of December, 1969 - Pender Harbor, British Columbia to a Pender Harbor Sea Pen
100% Northern Resident
In January 1987, 24 year old Dave Mulligan and his friend trespassed into Marineland of the Pacific and rode both Corky II and Orky II , which was their ultimate goal.[1]