CaptiveOrca Wiki

Welcome to the CaptiveOrca Wiki!


Credits to Ripple for the logo!

This wiki is relatively discontinued and has been moved to CaptiveCetaceans Wiki. If you are interested in restarting it, please reach out!

Hello! Welcome to CaptiveOrca Wiki! This site serves as a database for any orca that has ever lived in captivity. From captures, to births to rescues, we try and give you the most information possible. You can also edit the pages/profiles, though we recommend reading below before doing so.

Feel free to check out our sister wikis, Clearwater Marine Aquarium Dolphins Wiki and Captive Cetaceans Wiki, and our discord server, Captive Cetaceans. You can also find us on Instagram and Twitter.

Thanks For Visiting! Scroll down for some common questions and info about this wiki.

Please note: You may need to be a member to see some features. This is controlled by FANDOM, therefore we cannot change anything.

Extended Information

Want to know about CaptiveOrca Wiki? Have any photos you'd like to share? Then continuing reading for your answer!!

Want to be updated on the Wiki?

  • Check out the Wikia's Discord server(Captive Cetaceans), where you can get the latest updated on this wiki. There is also fun trivia games, info pages, and the latest beluga, dolphin, orca, and porpoise news!

For submitting photos:

  • You are welcome to add photos by yourself, though we recommend DMing our Mail Bot on our Discord sever or emailing @captiveorcawiki the photo, and your name/nickname you'd like to be called for the credits under the photo. Stuck on adding a watermark? Request it on your submission(and where you would like the watermark to say/go).

Opinions and Comments (Pro, Con, Anti, and Neutral Captivity)

  • I(CrazyKillerWhaleGirl) do not care whether you share your opinions on either. However, I please ask that you do NOT harass others. This will lead to the comments being permanently turned off. Comments are on for your opinions, page bugs/small mistakes(grammar issues, FANDOM being bugged), and any information they you think needs to be fixed or added on(provide a source).

About CaptiveOrca Wikia:

  • Founded on Ula's first birthday(22nd of September, 2019), CaptiveOrca Wikia was built for the people of the worldwide orca communities. We hope to provide as much info on captive killer whales that we can. If you'd like to help research, contact of Mail Support Bot on our Discord server or email!!

Thanks for reading! Enjoy your time here at CaptiveOrca Wiki!!

- CrazyKillerWhaleGirl (Author/Founder)