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Another one finished! This time, you can read about Kiska's first calf, named Muna.
Just Updated
I have decided to make all pages editable by users who have a Fandom account.
This will not be immediate, and not all pages will be editable(credits, main page, etc). You may not be able to move pages either. However, with this being said, the speed in which the wiki is "finished" will progress faster! 2 years in and it's not even close to being done(clearly..).
Please take in consideration that it is required that you see the common themes of pages and take note the style that this wiki is written. Editing guidelines will be created when I get the chance, and after that is close to being done/finished, I will start opening up pages.
Thank you again for reading! I hope this helps the contributation of the CaptiveOrca Wiki "community".
I'm at point 1. Fandom is(yet again) having issues uploading the pages for Kalia and Kyuquot's birthday. Generally, I thought it would be fixed by now, but clearly is isn't.
While the pages won't update, here's your late December birthday stats:
21st of December - Kalia turns 17 at SeaWorld San Diego.
24th of December - Kyuquot turns 30 at SeaWorld San Antonio.
Today our beloved boy Trua has his sweet sixteen!
Updates take #1!
I might change the name of the whales to their natural name(like to Chinese, Russian, Japanese, etc.). It's only a draft, but I might oppose it, and actually add the language version to the profile... - maybe.
Simple updates to park profiles!! I'm now going to include the transfers, deaths, and births on the park profile itself.
Theme update to a more blueish color and the logo was added next to the name(PC only?).
Blog post I guess! Here are some bigger updates:
New completed profile page: COK-00-B1901
Lolita's profile, in respect, has been changed to Tokitae.
For non-mobile users, you can now see a small gallery of the whale throughout the years! A good example of this is on Katerina's profile.
Adding sources and small bits the profiles. I'll also be trying to add basic info on templates to the whales as well as creating new pages as a baseplate for now.
I'm always still looking for editors! Feel free to reach out to me on one of my social media platforms(can be found on my link tree).
CaptiveOrca wiki has officially turned 2 today!
Thanks you to our viewers for sticking with us all this time. :)
Here's a template example! I've made it just like the tables, and you can collapse them if you'd like!
Why did I switch to the templates?
Tables were getting hard to edit due to Fandom scrolling errors. When I click on it to edit it, it scrolls down to the very bottom of the table. This is frustrating if I want to edit the age, which is at the very bottom.
So I don't forget anything. It's all the same template, meaning I can include things that I usually don't for some whales(such as possible relatives).
You can collapse the categories you "don't need" or have already read. This makes it easier for readers in some cases, such as the long family trees(their huge).
Thanks for helping me!
Featured Page Below is Dora's profile.
So, I have a few ideas to improve the Wikia in many ways. My fear is that people will think I'm copying other Wikis with the templates. If I do go with the info boxes(first picture), there would be multiple changes.
I need to know what everyone thinks. Should I go with the tables(current even though it's quite glitched and hard to edit) or info boxes which would change the page up a bit?
If you didn't know, Skyla, a 17 year old female at Loro Parque passed away yesterday evening. Check out News of 2021 for the full article.
Finna's profile has been created and completed, go check it out!
Go check out MarineLand Ontario, a recently edited and redone page!
Today would be Taku's 27th birthday, but unfortunately he's deceased.
Meanwhile, i was working on his profile and after i published the finished text, well, it didn't publish! Fandom has some error and after a hour of working on it, it was gone in a quick second. Do keep in mind his page will be briefly updated as i fix his profile. Anyways, here's a sneak peak of what his profile picture will look like:
Thank You For Visiting Anywise!
- Crazy
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